"The Level of Special Education Teachers' Application of Evidence-Based" by Naheel Saleh Shalabi and Dr.Jamal Al-Khatib

Jordanian Educational Journal


The aim of this study was to determine the level of special education teachers' application of evidence-based practices in supporting the transition of students with disabilities to post-school life. A scale with satisfactory content validity and internal consistency was distributed to (132) teachers of students with intellectual disability, hearing impairment, visual impairment, autism spectrum disorder and learning disability who were selected from (25) public and private schools and special education centers in Amman, the capital of Jordan. The results showed that the level of special education teachers' application of evidence-based practicies was moderate. The results also revealed no significant differences among teachers according to scientific degree, teaching experience or disability category. Based on these results, the study has recommended the need to focus on preparation and training of special education teachers before and during service to enhance their readiness for the implementation of evidence-based practices to support students having disabilities with transition to life after school.

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