
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The study aimed to provide a training program for the developmentof appropriate building skills achievement test among a sample of facultymembers in the College of Sharia at Qassim University, compensate for thelack of educational qualification for a faculty member in one aspect of theevaluation process, and to ensure its effectiveness to improve the skill buildingachievement test they have. The study sample consisted of (52) members(mails & emails) , and they are distributed on three specializations: (Systems,Sharia, Islamic studies) . Researcher has built a standers to assess the qualityof the paper test include (59) standers, form the most important criteria andspecifications for the construction of the achievement test distributed onsix dimensions. As well as build a training program to develop the skillsto build the achievement test. The experimental design was used (pre- postexperimental group) , where the papers tests prepared by the members ofthe study group were evaluated before training and after training. Resultsof the study showed: There are statistically significant differences in theaverages between the two measurements (pre and post) to all dimensionsof assessment papers tests, for the benefit of post- measurement. Values ofadjusted earnings were high, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposedprogram, amounted to an average total (1.28) , and the ranged of values fordimensions between (1.20- 1.38) . The results also showed that there is noimpact for each of the variables of sex and specialization on the results of thepost- evaluation
