Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies
The study aims to identify the reality of management innovation asan input to achieve a competitive advantage in higher education in GazaGovernorate institutions from the perspective of workers, and detect whetherthere are statistically significant differences at the level of significance(a≤0.05) between the mean scores of the estimate of the sample to the realityof management innovation as an input to achieve feature competitiveness dueto the variables (qualifications, sex, years of service) , and then develop astrategy for the management of creativity as an input to achieve competitiveadvantage in higher education institutions.The researcher follows the descriptive method application questionnairewhich consists of 50 items distributed on four areas: (resources and capabilitiesof the organization, quality, innovation and excellence, education, psychologyand continuous improvement, adaptation and sustainability of creativity).The sample consists of 154 of the personnel working in institutions HigherEducation in Gaza Strip.The study found the following results:1. The total degree of the reality of management innovation as an input toachieve competitive advantage was (72.47%) .Resources and capabilitiesof the organization is on first place by (77.98%) .Education organizationand continuous improvement with (77.23%) is on the second place.Quality, innovation and excellence with (69.34%) comes third.Finally,adaptation and sustainability of creativity comes with (65.36%) .2. There are significant differences in the college class for the views ofrespondents on the reality of managing creativity as a means of achievingcompetitive advantage due to variables for qualifications, years of servicefor more than 10 years, gender variable for males in college class, exceptin the third field (education organization and continuous improvement) .In light of the results, the researcher proposed to develop a strategy forthe management of creativity as an input to achieve competitive advantagein higher education institutions, which consists of (premises , requirements ,and procedural steps) .The researcher recommended the following:1. Adoption of the future scenario planning for organizations to achieveefficiency and reveals the views and future trends and tendencies towardcreativity.2. The need to focus, when managing human resources, on its positive impactrisks that limit the institution’s ability to sustain competitive advantage
Recommended Citation
Assaf, Mahmoud Abd Almajeed
"Reality and promotion of Innovation management as a Tool to Achieve a Competitive Advantage at Higher Education Institutions in Gaza,"
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies: Vol. 3:
9, Article 4.
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