
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The study aimed to determine the degreeof contribution of English Language Teachers`Preparation Programs in achieving the aims of socialdevelopment from the English language supervisors& teachers` perspective. The researchers used thedescriptive method and constructed a questionnaireto collect the data from the chosen sample whichwas formed from all English language teachers andsupervisors at Allith educational governorate inSaudi Arabia. The study was conducted during thefirst semester of the current educational year (1436-1437). The main findings of the study were: Thelevel of contribution of English language teachers`preparation programs in achieving the objectives ofsocial development is a medium degree and also thestudy proved that there were statistically significantdifferences for the variables of the study (years ofexperiences , current work) on the problem of thestudy. The main recommendation of the studywas the importance of revising English languageteachers’ preparation programs on the light ofsocial development objectives.
