
Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies

Journal of Al-Quds Open University for Educational & Psychological Research & Studies


The present study aims to investigate the impact of the use of virtual classrooms in the development and academic achievement skills of dialogue and the trend towards due to the students of the Faculty of Sharia at the University of Qassim.The researcher prepared experimental treatment materials-card observation and test grades in the dialogue skills and a barometer of trends, and adopted a researcher at the quasi-experimental approach, so as to detect the effect of teaching using virtual classrooms in the development and achievement and direction skills of dialogue about the decision, as the researcher using the experimental design a control and experimental groups , with the use of pre and post measurement.The sample of the study comprised of ( 86 ) students, including students of the Division number ( 2867 ) of students in the dialogue in Islam the decision as a pilot group and the number (45 ) students have studied scheduled using virtual classrooms , and the Division number ( 2882 ) and the number (41) have studied the way that regular classes , and after the application The study tools and materials processing and analysis of experimental results , the researcher suggested the following results :- The effectiveness of the use of virtual classrooms in the development of dialogue skills among students of the Faculty of Law at the University of Qassim.- The effectiveness of teaching using virtual classrooms on student achievement- The effectiveness of the use of virtual classrooms in the development of dialogue skills among students of the Faculty of Law at the University of Qassim.- The effectiveness of teaching using virtual classrooms on student achievement.- The effectiveness of teaching using virtual classrooms on the trend towards the decision.- Zaor Positive correlation statistically significant differences between the scores of students in academic achievement test and the development of dialogue skills.- The emergence of a positive correlation statistically significant between academic achievement and the trend towards the decision.- The emergence of a positive correlation between the development of the skills of dialogue and the direction of the students about the decision.The study recommended the use of virtual classrooms in teaching because of their impact on the acquisition of students in the faculties of law of different skills of dialogue, the current study has provided some practical educational content and applications that can take advantage of them with respect to the teaching skills of dialogue .
