

This study aimed to identify the degree of employing e-learning among school principals in light of the Corona crisis from the perspectives of both principals and teachers in the Triangle area within the Green Line. The study relied on a descriptive approach, and the researchers developed a questionnaire to measure the degree of employment of e-learning by school principals. The study population consisted of 170 principals and directors, along with 6,661 teachers. The study sample included 401 directors and teachers who were selected through convenience sampling. The results showed that the degree of employment of school principals for e-learning during the Corona crisis, from the perspectives of both principals and teachers in the Triangle area within the Green Line, was ranked as high. Furthermore, the results revealed statistically significant differences in the employment of e-learning among school principals attributed to the variable "school stage," with advantages for the basic stage. However, there were no statistically significant differences related to the variables of gender, job title, or type of school. The researchers recommend the need to train and encourage teachers to effectively communicate with students through electronic platforms and email, considering that many students have Internet access at home.

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