
Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & e-Learning

Palestinian Journal for Open Learning & e-Learning


The aim of this study is to identify the reality of e- governance atPalestine Technical University – Khadoorie and the ways of developing themfor the second semester of the year (2013- 2014) .And to know the effect ofthe variables of gender , specialization , qualification , nature of work andyears of service in the assessment of the reality of e- governance at PalestineTechnical University- kadoorie- and the researcher used the questionnaireas a tool for the study , as it consisted of 69 paragraphs divided into fiveareas has been checked sincerity and constancy of study tool.And reliabilitycoefficient has reached (0,95) .The study sample consisted of 281 employeesof employee working groups of academics and administrators at PalestineTechnical University – kadoorie – the study results showed that all the fieldsgot high influence degree and were respectively Routing mail , Atid mail ,electronic control and calendar , organization mail and planning mail.Thestudy result showed statistically significant differences in the reality of egovernance.Due to sex variable on the field of Atid mail and the total scorein favor of males.And qualification variable on the field of organization mailand Routing mail between BA and MA in favor of BA.The nature of work inthe field of organization mail and the total score in favor of the administrativeand years of service between 1- 5 and 6- 10 and 1- 5 and 16 years and morein favor 16 years and more.The result of the study showed that there were nodifferences on the level of specialization.The most important findings of thestudy are providing comprehensive system to train all the employees to takeadvantage of online services providing archiving system for all administrativematters at the University , networking the various sections at the Universityand linked in the relevant institutions electronically
