An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

Volume 35, Issue 2 (2021)


Analysis of Murder in the West Bank in 2017 According to Some Characteristics of the Perpetrator
Issam Alatrash Department ofCriminology, Al-Istiqlal University, Jericho, Palestine


The effect of rehabilitation program on patients with disc prolapse (L4 – L5)
Ibrahem Al-Bogai PhD student: College of Physical Education, University of Jordan, Jordan


The impact of ICT on the performance of staff in the Ministry of Youth of Jordan
Mohamed Al -Badou Information Technology Department, Youth Leadership Development Directorate, Jordanian Ministry of Youth, Amman, Jordan


Inheritance ruling in cases of mass death in the Islamic jurisprudence and the Jordanian personal status law
Sohail Al-Ahmad Faculty of Law, Palestine AhliyaUniversity, Bethlehem, Palestine


The effect of using educational films on achievement among the eighth-grade students in the city of Tulkarm
Majdi Jayousi Department of Technological Education, College of Arts and Educational Sciences, Palestine Technical University -Khadouri, Tulkarm, Palestine