FUTURE ENGINEERING JOURNAL (FEJ) مجلة هندسة جامعة المستقبل | Association of Arab Universities
Future Engineering Journal

Future Engineering Journal (FEJ) is an International Journal, double blind peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and fully refereed international scientific journal that aims to provide academia and industry with a venue for publication of research papers reporting innovative methods and applications to achieve a major breakthrough, practical improvements, and bold new research directions within a wide range of engineering and Architecture disciplines Future Engineering Journal.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Current Issue: Volume 5, Issue 1 (2025)

Original Article/Research


Design and Control of Delta Robot (mini review)
Donia Waheed Seleem, Mohamed A. Shamseldin, and Hasan Eleashy


Demodulation of Digital Signals Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Eman S. Abass, Mohamed S. Sharaf, El-Sayed Soleit, Asmaa A. Hekal, Mina M. Barsoum, Mohanad H. Rafaat, Ahmed M. Ali, Seif K. Abdelshafy, and Mahmoud H. Mohamed