
Future Journal of Social Science

Future Journal of Social Science Flowchart depicting peer-review process. For assistance, please contact fjss@fue.edu.eg

The Future Journal of Social Science (FJSS) is the academic journal released by the Faculty of Economics and Political Science – Future University in Egypt. FJSS sets significant value on its peer-reviewing process, in order to assure meeting effective research outcomes and standards. In light of this, the flow-chart depicts how the peer-reviewing process functions at FJSS, which is based on a double-blinded reviewing procedure.

FJSS’s peer-reviewing process is divided up into three phases (as indicated in the flow diagram), each one of which designates functions and tasks to the editorial board and the reviewers to carry out throughout an allotted duration (see weeks indicated in the boxes on the left-hand side of the diagram). The first phase illustrates the tasks of manuscript submissions, preliminary screening and reviewing, carried out within an approximate duration of 16-18 weeks. The second phase is that of revisions and editing required by authors following reviewers’ feedback, based on which final rejections and acceptances are determined (conducted within an estimated period of 10-14 weeks). Finally, phase three marks receiving and final proofreading of manuscripts, as well as the publishing process (an approximate duration of 8-10 weeks). The durations indicated are based on an approximation, which is subject to slight changes based on peer-reviewing process and the issue at hand.