

This study aims at identifying Total Quality Management implementation obstacles in the Jordanian universities, and this from the point view of teaching staff. Also to figure-out the differences in the point view related to universities variables (Governmental universities and Private universities). The Study sample consisted of 480 teaching staff member. For the purpose of achieving the study objectives, a questionnaire was designed that contains 57 statement divided between five major fields related to (Administrative, Human Resources, Physical, Academic and Technical) obstacles. The results revealed that, there is obstacles related to the implementation of Total Quality Management especially which is related to physical and technical field. Also, the study revealed that there is a statistical difference between governmental universities and private universities, as the results indicated that governmental universities do face more obstacles comparing to private universities in relation to Total Quality Management implementation. Based on the previously mentioned, the study recommends of the necessity on providing sufficient financial and physical support by the universities` managements, in addition to the necessity of spreading Total Quality Management culture in the Jordanian universities, and to conduct periodical and continuous seminars and training to achieve Total Quality Management goals.

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