

This study aimed to identify the role of digital media in forming the value system among children in Arab kindergarten schools within the Green Line, and to know the effect of variables (educational qualification, years of experience) in estimate that role, the study sample consisted of (314) Kindergarten teachers. A questionnaire was used to collect data, the study used a descriptive analytical approach. The results of the study showed that the kindergarten teachers estimate of the role of digital media in n forming the value system was high. And showed that there were a statistically significant differences at the level of (α = 0.05) in the estimates of the study sample members of the role of digital media in forming the value system among children due to the educational qualification variable in favor of (higher studies), also the results didn't show any statistically significant differences due to the years of experience variable. The study reached a set of recommendations, including Continuing to employ digital media within kindergartens in Arab schools because this employment has benefits that are reflected in the formation of their value system, and inviting principals of Arab kindergartens within the Green Line to involve children in community initiatives to reduce violence, and reject extremism in all its forms.

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