

This study aimed to identify the extent teacher of history in public schools in Ajloun Governorate utilize ICT (information and communications technology) in the application of the UDL (Universal Design for Learning) from their perspective, the study used the descriptive survey approach, questionnaire has been used, the sample of study consisted of (77) female and male teachers. However, the finding of study showed that the degree of the extent teacher of history in public schools in Ajloun Governorate utilize ICT in the application of the UDL from their perspective was moderated at the domain level; the field of "application the principal of representation" got high degree of implementation, then the field of" application the principal of expression" was moderated, and the field of " application the principal of engagement" was also moderated he finding also showed there were a significant difference at (α ≤ 0.05) in the extent teacher of history in public schools in Ajloun Governorate utilize ICT in the application of the UDL from their perspective refers to variable of teacher's years of experience in favor of less than (10) years. Furthermore, there weren’t any significant differences according to teacher sex.

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