

This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes Model (MIMIC) in detecting the differential item functioning of a test in terms of sample size and test length. To the study, three random samples were used from 10th grade students in Jordan who took PISA 2018 mathematics test with different sizes: 2000, 3000 and 4000. Also, 3 lengths of the test were used: 10 items, 20 items and 30 items. Mplus program was used for data analysis according to MIMIC method to detect the differential item functioning for gender. The study results indicated that there was no statistically significant difference ( ) in the percentage of items with differential item functioning detected due to different sample sizes in the different lengths of the test, and that there was no statistically significant difference ( ) in the percentage of items with differential item functioning detected due to different test lengths in the different sample sizes.

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