

This study aimed to identify the impact of the use of technology in raising the educational attainment of students of the first three grades in the university district, and to indicate teachers' attitudes towards the use of technology for students of the first three grades in the university district. Two domains, the domain of using technology to raise achievement, and the domain of teachers’ attitude toward the use of technology. The study population consisted of teachers of the first three grades in the Directorate of Education of the University Brigade / Amman. The study sample was chosen in a simple random way, consisting of (170) teachers in the schools of the Directorate of Education. University Brigade / Amman. The results showed that teachers’ attitudes towards the use of technology in education are positive, and there is a medium-degree correlation relationship towards the use of information technology in raising the educational attainment of students of the first three grades in the university district. On the use of computers in teaching their courses during the service, and to ensure that students acquire the skills of using technological teaching techniques, dealing with electronic learning environments, cooperating through them, and employing them effectively in the educational process.

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