

This study aimed to identify the extent to which Arabic language teachers In Jordan possess technological competencies. The researchers adopted a descriptive approach. To achieve the goals, a questionnaire was used. It consists of 41 items. It aims to measure the extent to which Arabic language teachers In Jordan possess technological competencies. The sample consists of 421 female and male teachers. It was chosen during the second semester of the academic year 2021 / 2022. It was found that the extent to which Arabic language teachers In Jordan possess technological competencies is moderate. The results showed that the means of all the areas of such possession (i.e. design, application, and assessment) are moderate. It was found that there are significant differences between the means of the respondents’ attitudes in two areas of such possession (i.e. design and application) jointly and separately. The latter differences can be attributed to the number of the technological training courses for the favour of the female and male teachers who took (more than three courses). In the light of the study’s results, the researchers recommend adding more courses in the field of educational technology, especially in the fields of teaching methods and educational design to the teacher development programs in universities. They recommend holding technological training courses for Arabic language in-service teachers. Such courses should be based on educational technological competencies. The researchers recommend conducting studies about the effectiveness of teacher development programs in developing the educational technological competencies of the pre-service teachers in universities.

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