Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists

( En) In the late Middle Kingdom, Senowesert III established his funerary complex at Abydos, and built an important town adjacent to this complex. This town, which was closely associated with Senowesert III''s funerary complex, was called WAH-swt. Mayors of WAH-swt were responsible for the administration of the funerary complex of Senowesert III in addition to their town. They have additionally overseen the estates located in the vicinity of the complex and the town of WAH-swt. As such, this paper aims at spotting lights on the mayors of the town of WAH-swt, their titles, and their role in the late Middle Kingdom in view of the town’s history in addition to some seals impressions that have been discovered in its site.
In the late Middle Kingdom, Senowesert III established his funerary complex at Abydos, and built an important town adjacent to this complex. This town, which was closely associated with Senowesert III''s funerary complex, was called WAH-swt. Mayors of WAH-swt were responsible for the administration of the funerary complex of Senowesert III in addition to their town. They have additionally overseen the estates located in the vicinity of the complex and the town of WAH-swt. As such, this paper aims at spotting lights on the mayors of the town of WAH-swt, their titles, and their role in the late Middle Kingdom in view of the town’s history in addition to some seals impressions that have been discovered in its site
( AR)
شيد الملک سنوسرت الثالث مجموعة جنزية بأبيدوس، والحق بمجموعتة الجنزية مدينة عرفت باسم واح سوت، نصب عليها حکام کان مسئولين عن إدارة کل من المجموعة الجنزية والمدينة.بالإضافة إلى الإشراف على المقاطعات والحقول المتخامة للمدينة، والهدف من البحث القاء الضوء على مدينة واح-سوت، وعلى حکامها، ألقابهم، دورهم في ادارة المدينة، وفى طقوس المعبد من خلال طبعات الاختام المکتشفة هناک
Recommended Citation
Selim, Dr.Anwar Ahmed
Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists: Vol. 1:
1, Article 1.
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