Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series | Arab Journals Platform | Association of Arab Universities Research

Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series

AAU Journal of Business and Law مجلة جامعة العين للأعمال والقانون

ISSN 2521-439x

Al Ain University(AAU) Journal of Business and Law is an official refereed publication of AAU. It publishes peer-reviewed research articles in the fields of Business and Law on the basis of scientific originality and interdisciplinary interest. The editorial board and associated editors, composed of prominent scientists from around the world, are representatives of the disciplines covered by the journal.

Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies البلقاء للبحوث والدراسات


Print: 1684-0615

Online: 2616-2814

Al-Balqa Research and Studies Journal is a semi-annual scientific journal published two times a year which publishes innovative original scientific research in both Arabic and English in various fields of basic and applied human and abstract sciences.

مجلة البلقاء للبحوث و الدراسات مجلة علمية محكمة نصف سنوية تصدر بواقع عددين في السنة و تنشر البحوث العلمية الأصلية المبتكرة باللغتين العربية و الإنجليزية في مختلف مجالات العلوم الأساسية والتطبيقية الإنسانية والتجريدية البحتة.

لإرسال البحث

Al Jinan الجنان


Print: 2308-0671

Online: 2709-3867

Al Jinan is a peer reviewed journal issued by Jinan University. Its objective is to publish high quality research articles in different fields and to make a significant contribution to humanities, linguistics, education and to social science. Therefore the Journal publish articles based on problems, analysis and provide solution and are written in Arabic, English or French to reach the entire the world.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

ISSN 1727-8449

An-Najah University Journal for Research - B (Humanities)

is an open access peer-reviewed journal with [ISSN 1727-8449 (Print); 2311-8962 (Online)]. The journal welcomes original research papers, reviews and short communications in Humanities. Submission is accepted in both Arabic and English Languages.

The journal publishes high quality, original research. An-Najah National University Journal – Humanities B does not charge any publication fees. The goal is to publish high quality and widely disseminated research in humanities. Before publication, the author signs the journal contribution agreement. The journal allows author(s) to retain copyright in their articles. The agreement grants the journal the exclusive right and license to publish, copy and adapt the work while keeping its integrity.

Call for Papers

  1. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Palestine
  2. Covid-19 and equality

Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences

ISSN 2325-0399

AMIS Cover Art

Editor-in-Chief: M. Abdel-Aty
SCOPUS CiteScoreTracker

Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (AMIS) is dedicated to rapid publication of the highest quality short papers, regular papers, and expository papers. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. accepts new submissions in English and Arabic languages, considering only original and timely contributions containing new results in applied mathematics and information sciences. Manuscripts may discuss fundamental or applied issues, and should offer clear evidence of novelty and significance.

Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. accepts papers through peer review by professional colleagues in the relevant fields. Unless clearly below the standard required by the journal, submitted articles will be sent to refrees. They will generally be reviewed by at least two experts with the aim of reaching a decision as soon as possible. Where possible, the final decision is made on the basis that the referees are in accordance with one another. When there is a strong disagreement between referees, advice is sought from a member of the journals Editorial Board.

Plagiarism, or copying text or results from other sources, is unethical behavior and is not tolerated at this journal. All manuscripts will be checked for originality using the CrossCheck database. For more information on CrossCheck please visit

Frequency: 6 issues annually

Arab Journal of Arid Environments المجلة العربية للبيئات الجافة

ISSN 2305-5243

The Arab Journal of Arid Environments (AAE) is a scientific refereed periodical (Twice a year), that is concerned with creative, original researches and studies of biodiversity, desertification, rangeland management, stresses and different agricultural sciences related to arid and semi-arid environments. The journal accepts scientific researches and original results put in short application studies. AAE welcomes online submission from all over the world. .

Arab Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences المجلة العربية للعلوم الصيدلية

ISSN 1683 – 0369

Introductory text for Arab Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences المجلة العربية للعلوم الصيدلية.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للآداب

ISSN 3005-3730

Welcome to the page devoted to the preparation of the publications published in the scientific journal of the Faculties of Arts in the Arab World, a scientific journal certified by the Association of Faculties of Arts in the member universities of the Union of Arab Universities.

Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology

ISSN 1999-6977 (Print),
E-ISSN:2959-233X (Online)

Introductory text for Association of Arab Universities Journal for Education and Psychology.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

BAU Journal - Journal of Legal Studies

ISSN ISSN: 2958-4884 (ONLINE) ISSN: 2664-0937 (PRINT)

One of the prestigious journals to be published in Lebanon, the BAU Journal of Legal Studies is committed to achieving a broad international appeal, attracting contributions and addressing issues from a range of legal cultures, as well as theoretical concerns. All the published articles are peer-reviewed by national and international renowned referees in their fields.

Our goal is to provide scholars worldwide with comparative papers on recent legal developments on national, regional and international levels. We seek to make our journal the platform of the international comparative discussion on different legal subjects. And we are equally committed to using our substantial intellectual capital to help solve real legal problems and to create a more just society.

Finally, I am fortunate to be supported by a highly effective team and I should thank all our submitting authors who have toiled in the production of their work and have chosen the BAU Journal of Legal Studies as the journal they would like to publish in.

Prof. Dr Mohammad Kassem
Dean, Faculty of Law and Political Science, BAU


ISSN 0855-2833

Introductory text for Dirassat.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Effat Undergraduate Research Journal

Educational research shows that student contribution is an effective practice for enhancing educational outcomes. The mission of the Undergraduate Research Journal (EURJ) is to provide a forum for exchange and discussion of research. Effat’s Undergraduate Research Journal (EURJ) was a great initiative established in 2017 to publish research by outstanding Effat University’s undergraduate students from all disciplines by submitting faculty-mentored research articles. The open-access interdisciplinary journal is run jointly by faculty members and students, with the unique partnership of Effat’s other departments. Publications of EURJ are sponsored by the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Research (DGSR). Now EURJ has expanded its capabilities to allow students from different parts of the world to contribute valuable research as a venue for future junior researchers. Effat Undergraduate Research Journal.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Future Computing and Informatics Journal

ISSN 2314-7288

Future Computing and Informatics Journal (FCIJ) is an International Journal, a scholar open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and fully referred international scientific journal focusing on research in computer science, information systems, information technology, and relative fields. FCIJ aims to contribute in promoting the research in the field of applied computing and information technology.

The journal scope covers the whole areas of computer science, information systems, and information technology like Management of Green IT, Artificial Intelligence, Embedded Systems, Mobile Computing, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Software Engineering, Data and Network Security, Human-Computer Interaction, Computational Intelligence, Biometrics and Bioinformatics, Database Management Systems and more.

Future Dental Journal

ISSN 2314-7180

The Future Dental Journal (FDJ) is an international, peer reviewed journal for the research and dental community, published by the Arab Journals Platform on behalf of the Future University in Egypt. Every biannual issue of the Future dental journal is available in print and as an online issue.

The Future Dental Journal provides a reliable open access platform for dental researchers and clinicians to present and disseminate research, recent concepts and evidence based clinical techniques and treatments.

Future Engineering Journal

ISSN 2314-7237

Future Engineering Journal (FEJ) is an International Journal, double blind peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and fully refereed international scientific journal that aims to provide academia and industry with a venue for publication of research papers reporting innovative methods and applications to achieve a major breakthrough, practical improvements, and bold new research directions within a wide range of engineering and Architecture disciplines Future Engineering Journal.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Future Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2314-727X (Online), 2314-7261 (Print)

The Future Journal of Social Science (FJSS) is an interdisciplinary journal in the field of social science, that encourages diverse methodical and methodological discussions, experimentation, and analysis of current, past, and expected affairs in our globalized world that are written in English. FJSS's focus is to support the academic contributions in any of the following sub-fields of social science (and not limited to): economics, statistics, political science, media and communication, political mass media, public administration, sociology, anthropology, gender studies, area studies, international politics, history, political and social psychology, etc. FJSS takes on the mission to provide alternatives to the already existing boundaries of the sub-disciplines of social science, particularly in the Arab region. Future Journal of Social Science.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Hadhramout University Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences


PRINT : 2227 – 9164

ONLINE : 2790 – 7201

Hadhramout University Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (HUJNAS) is a multidisciplinary, open access, peer-reviewed journal issued by the Deanship of Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research at Hadhramout University. The journal is an open access international journal for scientists and researchers to publish their scientific papers. The journal is devoted to publishing scientific research work in different fields of science, including applied sciences, basic sciences, medical sciences, engineering.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Hebron University Research Journal-A (Natural Sciences) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- أ (العلوم الطبيعيه

ISSN (Print) 2074-1502

(Online) 2074-1510

Hebron University Research Journal (HURJ): A- (Natural Sciences) is an annual Journal that is issued by the Deanship of Academic Research at Hebron University, Palestine. HURJ: A- Natural Sciences aims to offer equal opportunities for all researchers. It has content that is relevant for and readable by an international audience. The Journal will accept manuscripts on their intellectual content, irrespective of race, gender, beliefs, ethnic origins, citizenship, or the political philosophy of the authors. Complying with professional ethics of publishing is of prime importance that authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers must put in mind.
The Journal is published on a regular basis (annually) and has an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) as registered with the ISSN International Centre
ISSN: HURJ: A- Natural Sciences
Print: 2074-1502
Online: 2074-1510

Open Access Policy

The Journal follows open and free access for all research articles in order to support a greater worldwide exchange of knowledge. Researchers and scholars can immediately and freely read, download, and share articles.


Soft and hard copies of published volumes of the Journal are archived and available for the masses.

Hebron University Research Journal (HURJ): A- (Natural Sciences) is indexed in the following databases:

1- Arab Impact Factor معامل التأثير العربي
2- Dar Al-Manthoma دار المنظومة
3- قواعد بيانات EBSCO
4- Arab Journals Platform منصة اتحاد الجامعات العربية

Manuscripts as well as all other correspondence concerning this Journal should be addressed to:
Dean of Academic Research
P.O. Box. 40
Hebron University – Hebron – Palestine
Tel. 00972 – 2220995
Ext: 352

Hebron University Research Journal-B (Humanities) - (مجلة جامعة الخليل للبحوث- ب (العلوم الانسانيه

ISSN (Print) 2074-4773

(Online) 2074-4781


Hebron University Research Journal (HURJ): B (Humanities) is a referred bi-annual journal. It is issued by the Deanship of Academic Research at Hebron University, Palestine. HURJ: B- Humanities aims to offer equal opportunities for all researchers. The Journal will accept manuscripts on their intellectual content, irrespective of race, gender, beliefs, ethnic origins, citizenship, or the political philosophy of the authors. Complying with professional ethics of publishing is of prime importance that authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers must put in mind.


• HURJ: B Humanities aims to be a free source of effective and innovative research articles to ensure sharing of knowledge for researchers, academics, professionals, and students from the various humanities and related fields. HURJ offers equal opportunities for all researchers from universities worldwide.


• HURJ: B Humanities, a multi-disciplinary, refereed, double-blind peer reviewed journal which publishes original research articles written in Arabic or English. It has a wide scope of subjects, such as Administrative Sciences, Human Sciences, Educational and Social Sciences, Shari‘a and Law Sciences, Media, Arabic, English, History, Geography, Tourism and Antiquities, etc.
The Journal has an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) as registered with the ISSN International Centre
ISSN HURJ: B Humanities
Print 2074-4773
Online 2074-4781

Open Access Policy

HURJ: B Humanities follows open and free access for all research articles in order to support a greater worldwide exchange of knowledge. Researchers and scholars can immediately and freely read, download, and share articles.


Soft and hard copies of published volumes of the Journal are archived and available for the masses.

Hebron University Research Journal (HURJ): B- (Humanities) is indexed in the following databases::

1- Arab Impact Factor معامل التأثير العربي
2- Dar Al-Manthoma دار المنظومة
3- قواعد بيانات EBSCO
4- Arab Journals Platform منصة اتحاد الجامعات العربية
5- Shamaa شمعة

Manuscripts as well as all other correspondence concerning this Journal should be addressed to:
Dean of Academic Research
P.O. Box. 40
Hebron University – Hebron – Palestine
Tel. 00972 – 2220995
Ext: 352

Information Sciences Letters


ISSN 2090-9551 (Print),
ISSN 2090-956X (Online)

ISSN 2090-9551 (Print) 
 ISSN 2090-956X (Online)

Information Sciences Letters (ISL) offers an exciting publication outlet for novel and frontier Information Sciences and accepts new submissions in English and Arabic languages. The aim and scope of (ISL) is to provide a platform for the dissemination of high-quality research in the field of information sciences. ISL aims to publish original and innovative research findings, methodologies, and theoretical contributions that advance the understanding and application of information sciences. The journal welcomes submissions from researchers, academics, and practitioners across various disciplines, including computer science, information systems, data science, artificial intelligence, and related areas. ISL seeks to foster interdisciplinary research that addresses the theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of information sciences.

The scope of ISL encompasses a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Information retrieval and management
  • Data mining and machine learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Information security and privacy
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Big data analytics
  • Information visualization
  • Information ethics and policy

In order to be considered for publication, your introduction should clearly explain the novelty, urgency and originality of the research in your article.

Plagiarism, or copying text or results from other sources, is unethical behavior and is not tolerated at Information Sciences Letters. All manuscripts submitted to Information Sciences Letters will be checked for originality using the CrossCheck database. For more information on CrossCheck please visit

Manuscripts submitted for publication should be submitted via the web. All submitted manuscripts, written in English, Arabic or French Language, will undergo normal review process and the publication decision will be adjudged by quality, novelty, suitability and interest.

International Arab Journal of Dentistry

ISSN 2218-0885

Introductory text for International Arab Journal of Dentistry.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Jadara Journal For Research and Studies

ISSN 2313-5824

Introductory text for Jadara Journal For Research and Studies.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Jerash for Research and Studies Journal مجلة جرش للبحوث والدراسات

ISSN ISSN : 1814-2672 EISSN: 1814-2672X

A periodical scientific journal that publishes research not previously published in Arabic, English, French, or any other language in the fields of humanities and social sciences. It is semi-annually in (June & December ) by Jerash University.

The journal aims to provide researchers in all countries with the opportunity to publish research characterized by originality, novelty, scientific methodology and scientific research ethics.

Jordan Journal of Applied Science-Humanities Series

ISSN 2708-9126

Introductory text for .

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Jordan Journal of Applied Science-Humanities Series (JJOAS-H) (المجلة الأردنية للعلوم التطبيقية  - سلسلة العلوم الإنسانية) is an open-access journal. It was established in 1999 by Applied Science Private University (founder and owner); which owns the copyright and licensing for all issues and articles in the journal. The journal’s editorial board, which consists of well-renowned scientists in their fields, is responsible for managing the general direction of the journal.

Jordan Journal of Islamic Studies

ISSN 2079-5076

مجلةعلمية عالمية محكمة تصدر بدعم من صندوق دعم البحث العلمي - وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي والابتكار - الأردن والموطنة في جامعة آل البيت

A global scientific journal issued with the support of the Scientific Research Support Fund Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Jordan and citizenship at Al al-Bayt University

Journal of Al-Azhar University – Gaza (Humanities)

ISSN 2409-0646

Introductory text for Journal of Al-Azhar University – Gaza (Humanities).

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Journal of Engineering Research

ISSN Online ISSN: 2735-4873 ; Printed ISSN: 2356-9441

The Journal of Engineering Research (JER) is an regional blind peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University. JER publishes four issues of new developments and original contributions in the various Engineering disciplines of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Civil, Geotechnical engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical, Production, Communications, Electronics, and Systems Engineering. It also accepts reviews and reports in the engineering field. Manuscripts can be submitted in the English and Arabic language and authors must ensure that the article has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere in any format and that there are no ethical concerns with the contents or data collection. All papers are evaluated blindly by at least two international referees, who are known scholars in their fields. The journal is open-access and all articles published will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy, and distribute. It is subjected to Article Publishing Charge, APC) which is paid by the authors Journal of Engineering Research.

Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Journal of Statistics Applications & Probability

ISSN 2090-8431

JSAP Cover Art

Editor-in-Chief: A. Gomaa
SCOPUS CiteScore Tracker

The journal focuses on traditional areas such as statistical inference, multivariate analysis, design of experiments, sampling theory, regression analysis, re-sampling methods, time series, nonparametric statistics, statistical tools and analysis in human resources management, etc., and also gives special emphasis to established as well as emerging applied areas. JSAP accepts new submissions in English and Arabic languages.

All submitted manuscripts, written in English, Arabic or French Language, will undergo normal review process and the publication decision will be adjudged by quality, novelty, suitability and interest.

The journal accepts papers through peer review by professional colleagues in the relevant fields. In order to be considered for publication, your introduction should clearly explain the novelty, urgency and originality of the research in your article.

JSAP accepts papers through peer review by professional colleagues in the relevant fields. Unless clearly below the standard required by the journal, submitted articles will be sent to referees. They will generally be reviewed by at least two experts with the aim of reaching a decision as soon as possible. Where possible, the final decision is made on the basis that the referees are in accordance with one another. When there is a strong disagreement between referees, advice is sought from a member of the journals Editorial Board.

Plagiarism, or copying text or results from other sources, is unethical behavior and is not tolerated at this journal. All manuscripts will be checked for originality using the CrossCheck database. For more information on CrossCheck please visit

Journal of the Arab American University مجلة الجامعة العربية الامريكية للبحوث

ISSN 2308-2623

Journal of the Arab American University (ISSN 2308-2623) is an Regional semiannual, open access, peer-reviewed and multidisciplinary journal issued by the Deanship of Scientific Research at the Arab American University-Palestine (AAUP). .

The Journal focuses on publishing Original Research Articles, Reviews, Case Reports, and Short Communications in the fields of Humanities and Natural Sciences in either English or Arabic provided that the researchers abide by the common rules and standards of the scientific research.

All paper submissions will be double-blind reviewed, in which the identities of the authors and reviewers are concealed. This process is completely supervised and assessed by the Deanship of Scientific Research and Editorial Board. More specifically, the Deanship of Scientific Research assigns two referees, who are peers in the field of pure specialization of the submitted manuscript. These referees review the submitted manuscript, provide feedback and suggest modifications (if any). Consequently, the manuscript is sent back to the author concerned to make the necessary modifications. Once again, after the author makes the modifications, the referees re-read the manuscript to confirm that the manuscript is ready to publish.

There are no submission or publication fees for the Arab American University Journal.

Submission Process: Authors are kindly asked to prepare the manuscripts in compliance with the instructions for publication in the Arab American University Journal and should read the complete submission and formatting guidelines prior to the manuscript submission.

Online submission: The authors can send their manuscripts to the Journal of the Arab American University via online submission using this link Submit Research

Email Address: You can contact with the Journal team via E-mail:

Copyright: AAUP Journal retains all rights to copy and distribute the paper..

Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Dr. Mohammed Awad / Dean of Scientific Research.

Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Research in Higher Education (مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية (للبحوث في التعليم العالي

ISSN 1680-6549, 2957-9783

A quarterly peer-reviewed Indexed Journal Issued every three months by the General Secretariat of the Association of Arab universities and it is dealing with topics and subjects of higher education in the Arab World. The first issue of which was published in 1970, to be organized in publications and scientific publication and approved with this name since that time, and the journal has obtained the Arab Impact Factor (0.1429) of Arcif for 2020, Its International Standard number ISSN Print Edition is 1680-6549, and E-ISSN Electronic Edition is 2957-9783

(JAARU-RHE) welcomes online submission from all over the world. The aim of (JAARU-RHE) is to encourage researchers to publish their important research studies, after being reviewed, to be visible across the globe

Fees: 150 $

Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists

ISSN 2537-0278(online) 2537-026X (Print)

The Journal of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists (JGUAA2) is a semi-annual peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes specialized studies in all aspects of ancient history culture and civilization. It was first issued by the Arab Council of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists and the Union of Arab Universities in 2016, and has continued since then in publishing original English papers.

Having published several topics, we look forward to support research on all aspects of ancient history and culture; in order to protect and preserve cultural heritage; and to strengthen cultural collaboration.

The journal is a scholarly print and an open access online international journal. It publishes peer-reviewed original research-oriented papers.

The papers received and accepted throughout the year are printed in two volumes issued in the first of January and June.

All published volumes of JGUAA2 are archived on our website, EBSCO Information Services and Google scholar. Scholars can refer to all issues on this websites.

JGUAA2 plays a crucial role in preserving, understanding cultural heritage in order to inform and enrich current and future generations. You can follow all updated news about JGUAA2 activities on the Facebook page of the General Union of Arab Archaeologists.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Midad AL-Adab Refereed Quarterly Journal

ISSN 2222-6575

About the Journal.

Midad AL-Adab is a scientific referred quarterly journal in the field of humanities. Besides, the journal is an open access and its published papers are available for all readers. Its first issue was published in 2011 in two versions: (printed and electronic). It is issued by College of Arts/ AL-Iraqia University. The journal has an electronic gate, it is available in the following website: The journal has obtained accreditations from Arab Impact Factor in 2018 and also obtained Arab citation and Impact Factor (Arcif) in 2021 that are compatible with internationally recognized standards..

Middle East Journal of Communication Studies





The Middle East Journal of Communication Studies (MEJCS) is a new, biannual journal with a focus on communication studies and the MENA region. We welcome highly-quality original articles that draw upon a variety of disciplines to explore issues related to methodological and theoretical developments in the field. Both English and Arabic articles are welcome, but preference will be given to contributions in English. Original articles should be between 6000-9000 words, including abstract, references and footnotes. MEJCS uses the Chicago Manual of Style. All submissions are double-blind peer- reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. Middle East Journal of Communication Studies.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Middle East Journal of Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Sustainable Development

MEJELSD is published by Effat University, Saudi Arabia. The journal publishes two issues every year bringing the work from academics and practitioners in various entrepreneurship fields. Research areas are wide with a focus on leadership, small and medium enterprises, innovations in the region and sustainable development.

Palestine Technical University Research Journal

ISSN 1307-8081- (Print)

2307-809-X (Online)

Palestine Technical University Research Journal (PTURJ), ISSN (2307-809X electronic, 2307-8081 print) is an open access multidisciplinary peer‐reviewed biannual journal. The first issue of the journal appeared in 2013. It aims to contribute in improving publishing scientific research in the Palestinian community and other places as well. The journal publishes original research papers written in Arabic or English free of charges. There are no fees on publication with PTURJ.Palestine Technical University Research Journal.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Sohag Journal of Education المجلة التربوية بسوهاج

ISSN 2536-9091 (online)

1687-2649 (Print)

Introductory text for Sohag Journal of Education المجلة التربوية بسوهاج.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

The World Research of Political Science Journal


ISSN 2636-3399 (Online),
ISSN 2636-3380 (Print)

The World Research of Political Science Journal (WRPS) is an international journal that focuses on the latest advancements in political science and law. The primary objective of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians worldwide to promote, share, and discuss emerging issues and developments in various major areas of political science the legal system. These areas include middle-east politics, public policy, international relations, comparative politics, political methodology, and political theory.

مجلة جامعة الإمارات للبحوث القانونية UAEU LAW JOURNAL

ISSN (1013-1608) online (1813-095X)

The UAEU Law Journal is a scientific journal that is regularly published by the College of Law. The first issue of the Journal was published in May 1987 which corresponds to the Tenth anniversary of the establishment of the College of Sharia and Law and the Eleventh anniversary of the founding of the UAE University. The Legal Journal was published on an annual basis for the issues No.1 through No.13. Then, it was published twice per year namely the issues No.14 through No.21. The Issues, No.22 through No.24, were published every three months. More recently, the Issues No.25 up until now (Issue No. 72, October 2017) were published on a quarterly basis on the following months: January, April; July and October. The Journal publishes qualitative scientific research where the publication and assessment rules are strictly enforced. The research papers are published in three languages (Arabic, English and French). The legal Journal is listed in the International Journals Index, Ulrich ‘Periodicals Directory, under the number 349199 as well as the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 1608-1013. Moreover, the journal has been classified and coded in a number of international indices and it is published in three forms: hardcover, CDs & floppy discs, and online on the legal journal website: . Each form of publication has its own ISSN and all issues of the journal are available on the website including the most recent. The Journal includes a dedicated supplement focused on raising awareness of the principles and legal opinions issued by the Fatwa and Legislative Department of the Ministry of Justice as well as the most important rulings of the Federal Supreme Court. Furthermore, the Journal has formed an advisory board consisting of some of the leading scientific, social and public figures to contribute with their knowledge and expertise. In addition, the Journal has published important federal legislations such as: Civil law and its Explanatory Framework memorandum, Human Resources law, E-Commerce Transaction law, Medical Practice Liability law, Cybercrimes Law, Consumer Protection law, and the Civil Transactions law and its Explanatory Framework memorandum. This is proof that the Journal has contributed significantly to community service, through publication of such laws, aiming thereby to raise legal awareness on a broader spectrum of the society. By the same token, this does not mean at all that the Journal has given up its leading role as a scientific journal specialized in research; rather the Journal has excelled and exceeded the latter role in order to fulfill the former. Thanks to the sincere efforts, objectivity and a strong commitment to the scientific methodology of operation, the UAEU Law Journal thrives for the top ranks of world's most prestigious scientific journals. مجلة جامعة الإمارات للبحوث القانونية UAEU LAW JOURNAL.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.