Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Research in Higher Education مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية للبحوث في التعليم العالي

Volume 42, Issue 4 (2022)
The extent to which the standards of quality assurance of higher education are applied in Jordan from the point of view of the faculty members
Mohammed Ismael Amer Alamleh and Neda'a Mahmoud Mohammed Khalil
The extent to which extra-curricular school activities contribute to combating extremism
Khalid Mohammad Abdelljalil Taqatqah
The impact of practicing physical activity on promoting the disabled from their perspective
Mo'tasim Mahmoud Shatnawi
The Psychosocial, economic and Physical impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Institutionalized Older People in Jordan
Manal Anabatwi, Shawqi Abdalrahman Alhajhassan, Tamara Adel Al Wreidat, Reham Ibrahim Abu Ghaboush, Asma Ibrahim AbdAllah, Hmoud Salem Olimat, and Talal Abd Alkareem Alqudah
The role of school administration in developing health awareness among primary school students in Bani Kinana District in Irbid Governorate from the point of view of teachers
Lana Rateb Mohammad Obiedat
The Communication Strategies in Arab Digital Diplomacy... Adoption and Relevancy
Najm Abed Alhatimi Aleessawi
Attitudes of Jordanian university youth towards social networking sites in raising awareness of the phenomenon of societal violence
Marcelle Issa Al Jwaniat and Dana Jamal Sharaireh
The Relationship between Self-Leadership and the Implementation of Integrity and Transparency in the Palestinian Public Sector Institutions: “Ministry of Finance as a Model”
Diab Ali Jarrar Dr and Marwa Said Zaki Farah
Metacognitive thinking and relationship with some variables among students of class teacher at FESA/ UNRWA
Adarbeh Khawla
The role of Jordanian elites in disseminating Royal messages from the viewpoint of a sample of opinion leaders
Aula Hassan Abdel Razaq Alshurbajie and Kamel Khurshid Murad
Routine activities and their relationship to crime among community members in Ramallah and Al-Bireh
Younes Ahmed Rabee and Ayed Awad Al-Wareikat
The Turkish role in the Eastern Mediterranean region (2018-2020)
Yousef Riad Yousef Al-jariri