Volume 33, Issue 2 (2022) 33-2
Alexithymia and its Relationship to Certain Socialization Factors among Students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Taibah
Manal Al-Ghanimi
The Social Cohesion of Basketball Players from the Perspective of Coaches in the Companies League
Osama Jabber and Iyad Abu Touq
The Degree of Commitment of Secondary School Teachers in the Bani Obeid District to the Principles of Teamwork from their Perspective
Narjus Dhiabat, Abdel Hakeem Hijazi, and Musa Abu Dalboh
The Degree to which the Arabic Language Textbook for the Fifth Grade in Jordan Includes 21st Century Digital Culture Skills
Awad Abu Radiaa
The Effectiveness of a Program Based on Symbolic Communication in Reducing Challenging Behaviors and Improving Social Interaction among Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability in Jordan
Hadeel Al-Shawabkah and Ibrahim El-Zraigat
Obstacles to Using Electronic Management in Teachers’ Performance Evaluation at Private Schools in the Marka District and Suggested Solutions to Overcome them
Shoroq Jamal Sarhan and Mahmoud Al-Migdadi
Multimodal Transport in Jordan According to the Multimodal International Transport Law No. 29 of 2018: A Comparative Study
Mohammad Khalil
The Effectiveness of Arbitration in Maritime Disputes According to UAE Arbitration Law No. 6 of 2018 and International Agreements
Salha Al-Khallafi and Emad Al Dein Abd Elhay