Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Research in Higher Education (مجلة اتحاد الجامعات العربية (للبحوث في التعليم العالي
Volume 39, Issue 1 (2019)
The role of participatory planning in achieving quality, and enhancing the social responsibility of universities
ايمان عبدالعزيز الاحمدي
The Impact of Educational Gap on the Participation of Arabic Women in the Labor-Force Hanan Shamlawi
حنان عطا شملاوي
The Obstacles of Educational Research in the Universities of the South of West Bank
خالد سليمان محمد كتلو and جمال محمد حسن بحيص
An evaluation study of the degree of need for ranking criteria for Jordanian universities from the point of view of Academic Administrors.
خوله عبدالعزيز الصانع
The pedagogical management team and guarantee the educational return of the educational institution as imagined by professors and managers
خيرالدين بن خرور, نوال بوضياف, مبروك مريم, and مشيد نبيلة
The effectiveness of Learning Centers Strategy in developing of the life skills for the Palestinian students.
دعاء غوشة وهبة and حنان عوض جبريل
The impact of the professional supervision program on the development professional performance of the educational counselors in Bethlehem and Jericho governorates.
عامر صابر شحادة, محمد طالب دبوس, and معاوية يحيى عواد
Mechanisms of Applying the Educational Implications of the Royal Papers in the Jordanian Universities from the Perspective of the Educational Experts.
عبد الله فلاح هزاع الخدام
The reality of the university climate in Palestinian knowledge and its relation to knowledge management.
محمد عبد الاله الطيطي and خليل عريقات
The Effect of (FTSLC) strategy on the Achievement of Bethlehem University SAT Students in Educational Research Course.
معين حسن جبر and محمد عبد الاله الطيطي
The Role of Educational Curricula to get the Mental Safety for the Students of Education Faculty –form of Islam and social course of Aljouf University.
مها عفات الدغمي and حصة غازي البجيدي
Electronic Educational Game-based learning.
نادية بوشلالق
The role of Shaqra University in building a knowledge society from the point of view of faculty members
نورة بنت محمد الضريس
The role of digital electronic libraries in developing the skills of scientific research among graduate students in Palestinian Universities.
بسام فضل الزين and سامر محمد المقيد
What universities in the Middle East can learn from the American online education system.
محمود العودة