Content Posted in 2025
A Comparative LCA of Light Gauge Steel and Traditional Masonry for Dwellings, Youssef Elkhayat
A Comparative Study of Cleaning Methods across Various Dust Types: Optimizing Cleaning Techniques for Dust-Affected Photovoltaic Panels, Ahmed Moustafa, Ahmed Tohami, and Hamdy Hassan
A Greening the Diesel: Vegetable Oil Biodiesel Blends for Cleaner Emissions and Improved Direct Injection Diesel Engine performance, Medhat Elkelawy Prof. Dr, Eng.; Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi; E. A. El Shenawy Prof. Dr.; and Mustafa Mohamed Ouda
"Allah will not unite this nation on misguidance " A prophetic tradition, Esam Shriar and Taher Alnnahal
A Non-Standard Finite Difference approach for Optimizing the thermal behavior of Photovoltaic Panel with Hybrid Cooling techniques, A.A Hawwash, Hamdy Hassan, Shinsuke Mori, and E.F. El-Gazar
Anthropology of Enabling People with Hearing Difficulties in Pub-lic Entertainment Spaces: "A Case Study of the Nile Corniche in Minia City", Amna Waz Amgad
A Numerical Study on the Thermal Management of Cylindrical Lithium-ion Batteries by Immersion Cooling: Effect of Coolant Distribution, Alhussein M. Abdel-Hafeez, Mohammed B. Effat, O. Hassan, and N. Y. Abdel-Shafi
A Quantitative Analysis of the Commercial-Additive Effects on Diesel Engine Combustion and Emissions Characteristics, Medhat Elkelawy Prof. Dr. Eng., Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi Prof. Dr. Eng., E. A. El Shenawy Prof. Dr., and Mahmoud Mohamed Soliman Mahmoud Mohamed mahmoud soliman
A Review of performance assessment of solar-driven absorption chillers incorporated with energy storage systems, A. Khalil, Mohamed Abdelgaied, and May Abdelsalam
Assessment of Physical and Ergonomic Hazards and Their Compliance with National Standards. A Case Study, Amira Abdelraheem
A Standardized Approach for Measuring the Quality of Urban Life in New Urban Communities Case Study: New Damietta City, Egypt, Raghda Abdelkader Mahmoud, Sherif Ahmed Sheta, Esraa Mohamed El-Azab, and Ahmed Mohamed Thabet Alieldin
A Value-Based HBIM Framework for Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Buildings: A Case Study of Bayt Yakan, Ayman Samy, Alaa E. El-Habashi, and Al-Moatazbellah Al-Behiery
Causality in Newtonian Mechanics and Its Role in Classical Physics, Suzan Al Dababsa
Challenges and Opportunities in the Dissemination of Scientific Content: Insights from Media Professionals in Jordan, Ruba Mustafa Mohammad Dr, Mahmoud Ahmad Al-Rajabi Dr, and Hala Nabil Amr
Challenges of Sustainable Infrastructure in Egypt for Contractors, Consultants, and Owners, Abdelrahman Ali Gaber Eng., Mohammed ElSayed ElSharkawy Assis. Prof., and Adel Ibrahim ElDosouky Prof.
Compact Dual-Band Semicircular Slot MIMO Antenna Design for 5G Sub-6 GHz Applications, Reham Wageh Abd El Salam Reham W., Amr H. Hussein Prof.Dr., Mustafa M. Abd Elnaby Prof. Dr., and Hussein E. Seleem
Control of A Quadrotor For Medical Service, Mohamed Eid, Eyad M. Khedr, Anas Mohamed, Hassan A. Abofarag, Joseph J. Rizk, Youssef M. Taha, Mazen G. Fadl, Abdelrahman Elmorsy, and Ali M. Mohamed
Cultural Values in the Advertisements of Islamic and Commercial Insurance Companies: A Comparative Analytical Study of Social Media Advertisements, Hameed R. AL-Qudaimi
Design and Implementation of a Low-Cost Educa-tional Robot for Engineering Curriculums, Diana Refaat Henry Jacob, ashraf mohamed Hafez, and mohamed Tarek elawa
Developing the Reading Skill and Intercultural Communicative Competence Using Multicultural Narratives at Tertiary Level in Palestine, Hassan Abdul Hamid Naqeeb
Development of a Drive-rod Unified Variable Pitch Control Mechanism for Small-scale Horizontal Wind Turbines, Ayman I. Bakry, Mohamed Elfouly, and Omar Mehrez
Digital Leadership among Arab School Principals within the Green Line from the Perspectives of Principals and Teachers, Nassar Ministry of Education - Jordan and Muneera Al-Shurman
Dwellings Occupant Behaviour and Electric Heating Consumption: Sensitivity Analysis and Potential Savings, Youssef Elkhayat
Effect of Dual-fuelled CNG and Gasoline on Spark Ignition engine performance and Emissions behaviors at different loads, Medhat Elkelawy Prof. Dr, Eng.; M.M. Bassuoni Prof. Dr.; Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi; and Saied I. Haiba Eng.
Effects of Processing Parameters on Kerf Cutting Quality Following Abrasive Waterjet Slotting of Ti-6Al-4V/CFRP/Al7075 Stacks, Abeer Eisa, Abdulaziz Elshinawi, and Mohamed Fattouh
Enhancement Of Punching Phear Strength Of Two-way Slabs Using Headed Steel Shear Studs, Hazem Mohamed Farouk Elbakry Sr, Tareq Ibrahim Ebido Sr, and Farid Mohamed Morgan Jr
Enhancing Efficiency in Cyclone Separators: Insights from Triangular Finned Structures and Fluid Dynamics Analysis, Ibrahim M. Mohamed, Yasser El-shaer, Khairy Elsayed, and Mohamed Aly Ibrahim
Evaluating Energy Efficiency and Thermal Performance in Egypt’s Social Housing: Climate-Responsive Design and Material Impact in Hot Desert Environments, Ahmed M. Hanafi, Mohamed A. Moawed, and Osama E. Abdullatif
Evaluating LiDAR Technology in iPhone Mobiles for 2D Mapping Applications, Nasr Mohammady Saba and Salem Salama Saleh
Evaluation and Improvement of a solar still with a pyramidal shape by modifying its basin design, YAF El-Samadony, SS Elsayed, Mohamed Abd Elnabi, and Ahmed Abdo
Experience of Psychologists in the Delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Treatment of Depression and Anxiety in Jordan, Renad M. Shamaelh
Experimental and Analytical Study on Shear Bond Behaviour of Lightweight Concrete Composite Deck Slab with Shear Connectors, Mohaned Mohy El-deen Hassan, Khaled Abdullah Gharib, and Hanan Hussain altobgy
Experimental and Numerical Investigation for Optimum Design of Hydraulic Steel Gates, basma hassan mohamed eng, Ahmed Mohamed anwer Dr, Hanan Eltobgy Prof., and gamal helmy el-saeed Prof
Experimental study on a hybrid solar distillation system integrated with a photovoltaic thermal collector for the co-production of electricity and freshwater, S. A. El Agouz, Mohamed Samy Abo Shala, and Ayman Refat Abd Elbar
Finite Element Analysis of stress-induced Phase Transformation in SMA Wire, Ali M. Mamdouh, Ali S. Helal, and Yasser A F El - Samadony
Identifying Underachiever Gifted Students in Jordan, Hadeel Al-Akkad, Ali M. Alodat, and Eid Kanaan
Indoor Localization with Ensemble Machine Learning via Visible Light Communication Channels, Alzahraa M. Ghonim and Wessam M. Salama
Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic crisis management in the Gaza Strip: A qualitative study., Belal Aljamal
Monstrosity and Ecophobia in Frankenstein, Moby Dick, and Dracula, Enas Hassouneh and Raja Al-Khalili
Numerical analysis to evaluate the performance based on Bi2Te3 and SiGe thermoelectric module, Abd El-Moneim A. Harb, Khairy Elsayed, Ahmed S.T. Osman, and Ahmed Abdo
Numerical Investigation of Temperature distribution analysis for a domestic refrigerator with different duct shapes, Faisal Elhabashy, A.A. Hawwash, Aly M.A. Soliman, and Walid G. Alshaer
Optimization of the Cross-section of Generic Flexible Bridges, Manal Kamal Zaki, Mina M. Helmy, and Mark M. Tawadros
Optimizing and validation of sustainable UHPC with waste glass powder utilizing modified particle packing approach and response surface methodology, Mohamed Taman, Elsaid Maaty, Alaa Mehrez, and Ahmed Kamal Isaac
PD Controller Design for Automotive Magnetorheological Semi-Active Suspension System, Ayman I. Bakry, Emad M. S. El-Said, Ahmed Shehata Gad, Ahmed Abd Almoez, and Omar Mehrez
Performance and Emissions Characteristics of Multi-Cylinder Direct Injection Diesel Engine Fuelled with Diesel/Biodiesel and Toluene Additives, Hagar Alm-Eldin Bastawissi, Medhat Elkelawy Prof. Dr. Eng., Mohammed Osama Elsamadony Dr. Eng., and Moustafa Ghazaly Eng.
Performance optimization of Bi2Te3 thermoelectric generator system under low operating heat fluxes, Abd El-Moneim A. Harb, Khairy Elsayed, Ahmed S.T. Osman, and Ahmed Abdo
Preliminary Spectral Matching Analysis of the Rod El-Farag Region in Cairo, Egypt, Ahmed F. Youssef, Amr Z. Elkady, and Ayman A. Seleemah
Preserving Sunken Granite with Olive Oil for Sustainable Underwater Museums, Ahmed Gelany, Asmaa Ibrahim, Omnia Mohamed, Somaya Mabrouk, Rahma Alaraby, Shahd AbdAlmajeed, Wessam Turkey, Nada Shokr, and Usama Konbr
Professional Development among Public School Teachers in Jerash Governorate in Light of Contemporary Educational Trends, Faroq Abu Shabab and Ahmad Rathwan
Rhetorical Figures in Image: A Semiotic and Argument Approach, Youness Laghouibi
Rotating Burlap for Improved Solar Still Performance: An Experimental Investigation, Alsaied Khalil, Mohamed Abdelgaied, and Amir Nasr
Simultaneous Optimal Sizing and Placement of Electrical Vehicles Charging Stations and Distributed Generation Units in Electrical Distribution Networks using ABC Technique, Abdelazim M. Salem Dr., Nora M. El-Ayaat, Ismail M. Hafez Prof., and Adel Abou El Ela Prof.
Sustainable Clay Brick Manufacturing: A Review of Mechanical Properties, Firing Technologies, Emissions, and Control Strategies, I. S. ELDeeb, Ayman Bakry, Ahmed M. Nasr, and E. A. Showaib
Techniques for Controlling Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers, Mohamed Elsayed Thabet, Ibrahim Mohamed Rashwan, Asaad Matter Armanuos, and Walaa Abdullah Asaar
The Degree of Commitment of First-Grade Teachers to the Principles and Objectives of Educational Philosophy from the Perspectives of School Principals and Teachers in the Al-Taybeh and Al-Wasatih Districts, Abdelkareem Al-Hazaimeh and Kayed Salameh
The Degree of Commitment of School Principals in the Directorate of Education of the First Irbid Qasabah to the Code of Occupational Conduct and its Relationship to Teachers' Job Satisfaction from their Perspectives, Amani Khreis and Nawaf Musa Al-Shatnawi
The degree of dependence of the Jordanian public on social media in health awareness of obesity diseases (Survey study), Jumana Irshiedat Dr and Kamel Khurshid Murad Prof
The Degree of Practicing Accompanying Activities among Students in Northern Jordanian Universities and its Relationship to Achieving Social Change from the Students' Perspective, Raed Al-Hersh, Adnan Al-Ibrahim, and Musa Abu Dalboh
The Degree of Practicing Organizational Values among School Principals in Northern Aghwar and their Relationship to School Development, Anoud Hassan, Mohammad Ashour, and Mohmmad Al-Momani
The Degree of Representation of Professional Values among Professional Education Teachers in Irbid Governorate Schools and its Relationship with Job Excellence, Fathi Al-Shorman and Kayed Salameh
The Degree of The Possession of Designing, Managing and Practicing Electronic Courses Competencies by Faculty Members at The Palestinian Universities, Ashraf Al Hennawi
The Degree to which Government School Principals in Mafraq Governorate Possess Twenty-First Century Leadership Skills and their Relationship to Administrative Creativity, khawla Zbeidat, Muneera Al-Shurman, and Majedah Abu Al-Rub
The Degree to which Vocational Education Teachers Practice the Requirements of Professional Development in the Irbid District and its Relationship to the Community’s Perspective, Rana Bassiouni, Adnan Al-Ibrahim, and Imad Al-Saadi
THE DESIGN STUDIO DILEMMA The “Slicing Method”, Yasser Osman El Gammal Associate Professor Dr.
The Effectiveness of Augmented Reality Technology (Metaverse) on Mathematics Achievement among Students with Learning Difficulties, Somaia Al-Nawaiseh
The Effectiveness of Using Al Hodhud Application to Teach Reading Skills in Arabic as a Second Language in the International Baccalaureate System for Kindergarten Students, Samaa Bassem Haroun and Mohammad M. T. Habib Samkari
The Effect of Corona Pandemic on Crime within the Family from the researchers’ Point of View in the Ministry of Social Development in the Southern West Bank, Kifah Manasra and Muhammad Okkeh
The Effect of Using Wordwall on Academic Achievement and Motivation Towards Learning Mathematics among Sixth Grade Students in Nablus District, Tahani A. Abd Al-Aziz, Soheil H. Salha, and Abdelrahman M. Abu Sarah
The energy Transition in the Jordanian Media, Hanan Al-Shiekh Dr
The Impact of Adopting UNICEF Growth and Development Modules in Enhancing Nursing Students' Knowledge: A Qualitative Study, Yousef Eljeesh and Mahmoud Ayash
The Level of Intellectual Security among Postgraduate Students in the Faculties of Education at Universities in Northern Jordan and its Relationship to Affirming the Values of Tolerance, Amal Al-Momani, Adnan Alibrahim, and Imad Al-Saadi
The Phenomenon of Islam Phobia: Concept, Causes, and Treatment, Enad G. Al-Ghananim
The Role of Citizen Journalism in Developing Digital Citizenship Values among Palestinian Journalists in the Digital Era, Ahmad Y. Hamouda and Osama M. Abdallah
The Role of Kindergarten Directors in Zarqa Governorate in Achieving Professional Development for Female Teachers and its Relationship to Job Performance, Jumana Al-Shafei, Saleh Oleimat, and Majedah Abu Al-Rub
The Role of Parents in Achieving the Objectives of Therapeutic Kindergartens in Jerusalem from the Points of View of Parents and Teachers, Suhad Abdul Abdalrhmn, Nora Al-Hajj Othman, and Jultan Hijaz
The Role of Social Communication in the Social Cohesion of Athletic Team Players in the Ministry of Education, Rawaah Sukkarieh
The Role of Teachers in Improving the Level of Intellectual Security among Tenth-Grade Students in Public Schools in Ajloun Governorate, Muath Enaba and Nouwar Al-Hamad
The Role of Television in Increasing Knowledge about Health Issues among Jordanian Citizens, Izzat Mohammad Hijab Prof, Ahmad Oreqat Dr, and Hani Al-Badri Dr
The Role of the Kindergarten Environment and Learning Strategies in Providing Kindergarten Children with Reading Readiness Skills from the Perspective of Kindergarten Teachers, Khitam Al-Juhani and Hani Al-kaldi
Three-Rigid-Link Manipulator Robot Inverse Dynamic Model Using ANN Based on PID Controller, M.A. EL-Gohary, M.S. Elksas, A. E. Banna, and S.G. Ahmad
Towards a new era of surgery using intelligent robot, Ahmed Mahfouz, Hassan A. El Gamal, T. Awad, and M.B. Badawi
Using Nanotechnology to Achieve Sustainability in Interior Residential Spaces, Neveen Youssef Azmy, Esraa Tarek Abu-EL Azm, Ahmed Ahmed Rizk, and Walaa Abou El-Haggag Mehanna
Women's Privacy and the Challenges of their Work as Auditors in Jordan, reem Al- Khasawneh and Tala Al-Khasawneh
اتجاهات معلمي الرياضيات للمرحلة الأساسية نحو التعليم الدامج وعلاقته بالاندماج المدرسي لدى الطلبة المدمجين, Asma Hasan Mohamad Al Tall'a
اتجاهات معلمي ومعلمات الرياضيات نحو استخدام ملف الإنجاز أداة تقييم بديل, Afnan Saleem Ali Zwateen
أثر القيادة الخادمة على أداء العاملين في المدارس التابعة لمديرية التربية والتعليم في قصبة المفرق, Khaled Nayyef Mansour Alkhawaldeh
البلديات الأردنية بين واقع الإدارة المحلية وتطلعات الحكم المحلي في ظل قانون الإدارة المحلية لسنة 2021, Layal Fayez Easow
التأثيرات المستقبليّة للتقنيات الحديثة في طرق التدريس, Mahmoud Abdallah Hasan Yaghi
التطور المهني لمعلمي الرياضيات في ضوء أهداف التنمية المستدامة 2030, Suheir Moh'd Ali Alshdaifat
الحرب الروسية - الأوكرانية وتداعياتها على النظام الدولي, Odai M. A. Innab
المحددات السياسية والقانونية المؤثرة على أزمة المشاركة في منظمات المجتمع المدني الأردني, Thamer Mohammad Matrook Al-Khdaer
درجة إدارة مديري المدارس للأزمات التربوية وعلاقتها بدورهم في معالجة الفاقد التعليمي, Ala'a Hamdi Ali Abu Rayya
درجة امتلاك طلبة الثانوية العامة في الأردن لمهارات التعلم المنظم ذاتيًّا خلال التعليم الإلكتروني وقدرته على التنبؤية بالتحصيل الأكاديمي, Mohammad Mohd Taisir Habib Samkari .
درجة تأثير تكنولوجيا التعلم الرقمي على النمو المعرفي والمستوى التعليمي لطلبة المرحلة الأساسية, Muna Mustafa Husni Alsadk
درجة توظيف الوسائل الإلكترونية في إنجاز المهام المدرسية المطلوبة, Hussein Halil Muhammad Al-Braizat
درجة ممارسة مديري المدارس الحكومية للأساليب الإشرافية الحديثة وعلاقتها بالروح المعنوية عند المعلمين, Aysheh M. Almawaly
دور القيادة الخادمة في السلوك الإبداعي لدى المعلمين, Rajaa Mahmoud Hassan Hanoush
دور دبلوم القيادة التعليمية المتقدمة لجمعية الملكة رانيا في تطوير الأداء المدرسي, Sameera Kalaf Zair Alhussaini
دور مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي في العود إلى الجريمة في الأردن: دراسة ميدانية على نزلاء مراكز الاصلاح والتأهيل المفرج عنهم المكررين للجريمة, Ibrahem M. Abusweilem and Fayez Abdulqader Almajali
فاعلية استخدام استراتيجية الصف المعكوس في تحصيل طلبة الصف الثالث الأساسي في مادة العلوم, Amal Odeh Salman Alrawashdeh
فاعلية برنامج الفاقد التعليمي في تحسين مستوى الطلبة, Raya Y. Fyad
قلق المستقبل المهني وعلاقته بالثقة بالنفس لدى طلبة الصف العاشر, Malak Hamad Ali Irshaid
مصادر ومستويات القلق لدى طلبة مساق الجمباز في كليات التربية الرياضية بالجامعات الأردنية, Firas Salem Al- Dolat
معوقات استخدام الخرائط الذهنية الإلكترونية في تدريس العلوم للمرحلة الأساسية, Muhammad Ayed Shati Alsharafat
مهارة معلمي المدارس الحكومية في تعزيز الاستيعاب البصريّ للمفاهيم الجغرافيّة لدى طلبة الأساسي, Afaf Omar Ibrahim Albalawneh
واقع أداء معلمي التعليم المهني في ضوء المعايير المهنية للأداء التدريسي من وجهة نظرهم, Abeer Hatem Khaleel Alrishan